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Ambassador program

Become a Nexo Ambassador

Drive blockchain adoption and promote the Nexo brand in your home country, all while bringing a steady income stream for yourself.

Why Join Nexo’s Ambassador Program

Tell your country about Nexo’s comprehensive suite of crypto services
and enjoy the benefits.

Competitive Salary
Get compensated generously for your hard work while driving blockchain adoption.
Result-Based Bonuses
If you meet your monthly targets on a regular basis, your income potential has no limits.
Network Opportunities
Rub shoulders with Nexo team members, big brand partners, and crypto influencers.
Recognition & Influence
Become the official Nexo representative in your home country.
Mentoring & Guidance
Get training and mentoring opportunities with leaders in the blockchain space.
Exclusive Access
Hear firsthand about Nexo’s upcoming features, official releases, and exclusive news.

What It Takes to Become an Ambassador

Your Responsibilities

Nexo is the world's leading regulated digital assets institution with $12B+ in assets under management.

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4+ years
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How to Become a Nexo Ambassador

All you have to do is send us your resume and a cover letter explaining why you’d like to join our Ambassador Program.

Fill out the form below – it takes a minute.
We’ll review your application.
If selected, you'll become an Ambassador!